Milgrom Daskam & Ellis Blog



Avoiding Pitfalls in Insurance Claims

Policyholders pay good money for their insurance. But when a loss occurs or someone sues you, insurance coverage is not automatic. People who make insurance claims face several potential pitfalls that may prevent them from getting what they paid for.

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Employment Law

Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Share Post: I am lucky enough to work with some extremely fantastic local businesses in Colorado. Our team works on all sorts of employment issues to help these companies avoid liability and maintain compliance. And these days, with the amount of employment laws that have been recently implemented in Colorado,

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Understanding Colorado’s Regulation 28: Building Benchmarking and Performance Standards

Colorado’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting energy efficiency has culminated in the enactment of Regulation 28, officially titled “Building Benchmarking and Performance Standards.” This regulation is a key component of the state’s broader efforts to address climate change, aiming to significantly reduce energy consumption in commercial buildings.

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Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Share Post: I am lucky enough to work with some extremely fantastic local businesses in Colorado. Our team works on all sorts of employment issues to help these companies avoid liability and maintain compliance. And these days, with the amount of employment laws that have been recently implemented in Colorado,


Colorado’s FAMLI Act

In January 2024, the Colorado Paid Family And Medical Insurance (“FAMLI”) Act went into effect. It was approved by voters in 2020 and provides for up to 12 weeks of paid leave for Colorado employees who qualify. FAMLI benefits apply to those seeking parental leave, medical leave for yourself, medical



Will Artificial Intelligence Kill All the Lawyers?

A recent article in the New York Times reminded me that more than ten years ago, lawyers were considered an endangered occupational species as our livelihoods were the most at risk from advances in artificial intelligence (AI).
Has AI been reading Shakespeare’s Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene


Intellectual Property Ownership Issues and Considerations 

Intellectual property ownership issues are quite common. Such ownership issues often arise when proper agreements are not in place from the very beginning of a business engagement. Without a written agreement, a third-party contractor or an individual hired to perform certain services may own intellectual property rights in any resulting



Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Share Post: I am lucky enough to work with some extremely fantastic local businesses in Colorado. Our team works on all sorts of employment issues to help these companies avoid liability and maintain compliance. And these days, with the amount of employment laws that have been recently implemented in Colorado,


Colorado’s FAMLI Act

In January 2024, the Colorado Paid Family And Medical Insurance (“FAMLI”) Act went into effect. It was approved by voters in 2020 and provides for up to 12 weeks of paid leave for Colorado employees who qualify. FAMLI benefits apply to those seeking parental leave, medical leave for yourself, medical


Navigating the SBA’s Collection Efforts on COVID-19 Loans

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Small Business Administration (SBA) launched various loan programs, such as the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program, to support businesses grappling with unprecedented economic challenges. These programs were lifelines for many, providing essential funds to keep


The Best-Laid Plans of Lawyers and Businessmen

As a transactional attorney, I focus my practice on helping clients plan for and react to business events much more so than I do on interpreting statutes or legislation. Sometimes, however, a statutory change or judicial ruling will have a wide-ranging—and retroactive—impact that is impossible to ignore.



Mastering Commercial Lease Negotiation: A Tenant’s Guide to Success

Negotiating a commercial lease can be a daunting task for tenants, with significant implications for their business operations and bottom line. Whether securing office space, retail storefronts, or industrial facilities, tenants must navigate the complexities of lease agreements to maximize benefits and minimize risks. In this blog post, we offer


Psychedelic Healing Centers in Colorado: Are Landlords Prepared?

In November 2022, Colorado voters approved Proposition 122, known as the Natural Medicine Health Act of 2022 (NMHA). This legislation decriminalized the personal use and possession of certain psychedelic substances, including psilocybin and psilocin mushrooms. Additionally, the NMHA established the legal foundation for healing centers – places where adults may



Is My Art a Security?

Is my art a security? This is the question posed by a federal lawsuit filed earlier this month by Kentucky Law professor Brian Fry and singer-songwriter Jonathan Mann, better known online as Song A Day Mann, against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


A D-Day Wake Up Call

Travel and reflection, particularly when it takes us out of our comfort zone, strengthens our ability to empathize with others, improves our self-awareness and helps us better understand our place in the world; both as humans and as lawyers. We return to our roles more informed and better able to


A Sriracha By Any Other Name…

Sriracha, a fiery red sauce that has captured the taste buds of spicy food enthusiasts around the world, offers not just a kick of heat but also a fascinating study in the realm of trademark and trade dress law. Originating from the coastal city of Si Racha, Thailand, this sauce


Is the End Near for the LSAT?

The “Test-Optional” movement for law school admissions is gaining ground, and the recent Supreme Court case eliminating affirmative action in higher education admissions practices could be playing a part in the change.


Entity Selection: How QSBS Could Save You Millions in Taxes

I often work with entrepreneurs starting new ventures. While there are multiple considerations for new businesses, the first important item to address is entity formation, governance, and finance/ownership. This is the starting point to get your venture headed in the right direction.


Navigating and Complying with Colorado’s New Consumer Privacy Act

On July, 7, 2021, Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA or “the Act”) into law. With that pen stroke, Colorado joined California and Virginia as the third state to enact comprehensive consumer privacy legislation. While the law does not take effect until July 1, 2023, Colorado


When Shares are Not Cares

As attorneys representing startups, Milgrom & Daskam knows that early-stage businesses often have many needs and not much capital to meet them. This often results in startups bartering for services using whatever currency they have. Sometimes this results in interesting exchanges (two hundred pounds of Valencia oranges in exchange for


Should You Seek Foreign Intellectual Property Protection?

If you plan to conduct business abroad or have an online business that reaches customers abroad, you should consider seeking international intellectual property protection. Intellectual property protection is often limited to the country where you conduct business and/or where you file for protection with the respective foreign intellectual property office.


Not All Who Wander are Lost

When I joined Milgrom & Daskam at the height of COVID, I wasn’t sure what the future would look like for me or this relatively young firm. We were giving up our physical office space in downtown Denver and embarking on a new vision for remote workers. Up until then,


Dude, Diligence?

The due diligence process in the purchase and sale of a business can seem daunting and cumbersome. Any attorney or financial professional worth his or her salt will tell you that conducting adequate diligence is paramount and, despite what will almost certainly feel like an unnecessarily lengthy and intrusive process,



It’s 2022, and everyone from Snoop Dogg to the cashier at your local supermarket is creating or sponsoring their own NFT project, including many of our Firm’s clients. NFTs (non-fungible tokens) might be a revolutionary way for artists and collectors to control their work, but they are currently a Wild


Running a Business – Remotely

About three years ago, I spent a year living and working remotely from Europe. My experience was unique and interesting enough that I was featured in a series called Digital Nomad Life in Croatia. Of course, many people had been working remotely for years, but it hadn’t really become mainstream.


Trademark Symbols and When to Use Them

Given their constant presence in our daily lives, the symbols ® and TM are very familiar to most of us. But what do they actually mean? And as a business owner, how do you know when to use them?
Both symbols refer to U.S. federal protection granted to the